As a child, I truly enjoyed taking toys and electronics apart to explore their inner workings. Sometimes this exploration would lead to discovery and sometimes it lead to destruction–usually by means of fireworks.
There were times when I started disassembling something that I wondered, “What else could I make from all of these pieces?” Other times I thought, “Oh no, what have I done!” But no matter how badly I obliterated an object, I always attempted to put it back together or re-purpose its parts for another “project.”
Today, I still maintain this exploration, resourcefulness, and passion but through my design and creative thought. I strive to work as efficiently as possible and if this means learning a new way to complete that task or adjusting my current workflow–consider it changed. Learning is essential in the fast paced design industry, so I’m always looking for ways to improve myself.
If your interested in exploring new ideas or reworking old ones, let talk.